
Japan Office



Kyoto Prize at Oxford

Posted: 2016/06/02 | Author: UOJO


[:en]The Kyoto Prize is coming to Oxford.

On 9 May 2016 the Vice-Chancellor Professor Louise Richardson attended a press conference in Tokyo to announce an important new collaboration with the Inamori Foundation. From May 2017 we will bring the laureates of the Kyoto Prize to Oxford on an annual basis to feature in a high profile event that will engage students and academics with the achievements and ideas of the laureates in a public event.

The Kyoto Prize was established in 1985 by Kazuo Inamori, founder of top Japanese company Kyocera. The Prize is awarded annually in three categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences and Arts and Philosophy. Past laureates include Professor Shinya Yamanaka, Sir Antony Hoare, Maurice Béjart and Dame Jane Goodall.

The Kyoto Prize at Oxford will be based at the Blavatnik School of Government, one of Oxford’s youngest and most vibrant departments and which aims to improve the quality of government and public policy-making worldwide. The School shares many values with the Inamori Foundation particularly in their aspiration to inspire, educate and connect individuals who strive for the greater good of humankind and society.

The first Kyoto Prize at Oxford will take place on 9 – 10 May 2017. The laureates will participate in lectures, panel discussions and celebratory events, and digital content will allow people worldwide to engage in debate around the work of the laureates and the themes that underlie the Kyoto Prize.

In the photograph (left to right): Managing Director Mr Himono and Executive Vice-President Ms Inamori-Kanazawa, both of the Inamori Foundation; Oxford’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Richardson; Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government Professor Woods; British Ambassador Hitchens; COO Mr Miller of the Blavatnik School.

Related Links:
Kyoto Prize
Inamori Foundation
Blavatnik School of Government[:ja]京都賞イベントがオックスフォード大学で開催されます。



Kyoto Prize at Oxfordはオックスフォード大学のブラバトニック公共政策大学院が企画・主催します。ブラバトニック公共政策大学院は公共政策の向上とリーダーシップの強化を使命とした若く活気にあふれた大学院です。公共政策大学院と稲盛財団は多くの価値観を共有し、特に人のため世のために役立つことをする人々にインスピレーションを与え、教育し、つなげるという使命は双方が持っている根本的理念です。今回の提携はそのような価値観の共有を軸とした特別なパートナーシップといえるでしょう。

1Kyoto Prize at Oxford201759-10日に開催されます。京都賞受賞者は講演会、パネルディスカッションなどに参加し、その模様はライブストリーミングなどを通じて世界中の人々とつながり、発信されます。

(写真左から、稲盛財団 檜物常務理事、金澤副理事長、オックスフォード大学リチャードソン総長、ブラバトニック公共政策大学院学長ウッズ教授、ヒッチンズ駐日英国大使、ブラバトニック公共政策大学院ミラーCOO)



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