Book: Meiji era photos in Oxford
A new book has been published on the collection of historical photographs of Japan that is part of the wider...Read postRead post
[:en]Christmas Party and Professional Networking
The Oxford Alumni Club of Japan is a new society run by alumni and for alumni. The Club has evolved out of a number of social and networking events held in Tokyo in the past under the name of Oxford Japanologists or Oxford Young Professionals. If you would like to find out more about the Oxford Alumni Club of Japan, please join their Facebook Group.
The Club will hold their next event which is a Christmas Party and Professional Networking in Tokyo on Saturday 9 December 2017 during the afternoon. It will be an excellent opportunity to connect past, present and future Oxonians in Japan (JOxonians) in an informal manner. All alumni, current students and guests are welcome.
Previous events have been extremely popular, attracting over 90 people. Spaces are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Saturday 9 December 2017
Christmas Party and Professional Networking
14:30 – 17:30
Tokyo Family Restaurant, 3F, Higashi 1-3-1, Shibuya ku, Tokyo, 150-0011
Map to venue
5,000 JPY (Drinks and canapés included. Please pay on the door)
Deadline: Sunday 3 December, cancellations after 6 December will be charged in full
Dress code: Something festive/Christmassy!
*Targeted Networking Opportunity
The Oxford Alumni Club of Japan are dedicated to facilitating meaningful interactions between members. With this goal in mind, depending on the level of interest, time and space will be set aside for alumni and current students who would like to present or share an initiative or opportunity that they feel would be of interest to the JOxonian community. The format for this exchange will be decided based on the level of interest and suitability.
If you have a business proposal, start-up, project idea, recent publication or volunteer organisation that you would like to share please get in touch with the OACJ committee at oxfordinjapan@gmail.com with a brief description by Sunday 12 November.[:ja]Christmas Party and Professional Networking
Oxford Alumni Club of Japanは、日本でもっとも新しいオックスフォード大学同窓会で、主に日本在住の卒業生により運営されています。いままで日本研究同窓会、オックスフォード・ヤング・プロフェッショナルの会といった名前でいくつかのイベントを開催し、この度オックスフォード大学から正式に公認され、Oxford Alumni Club of Japanと命名されました。 Oxford Alumni Club of Japan についてご興味のある方は、Facebook groupにご参加ください。
Oxford Alumni Club of Japanは、12月9日土曜日午後、東京・渋谷にて、クリスマスパーティ・プロフェッショナルネットワーキングのイベントを開催します。オックスフォード大学現役学生・卒業生・研究者・大学関係者(JOxonians)とくつろいだ雰囲気の中で交流していただく貴重なチャンスです。ご家族やゲストの方も歓迎いたしますので皆様是非お誘いあわせの上ご出席ください。
今までのイベントは常に大好評で、90名以上の方が出席しています。スペースに限りがございますので、 参加ご希望の方はお早めに下記参加登録フォームよりお申込みください。
*Oxford Alumni Club of Japanは、現在日本に在住しているオックスフォード関係者のための大学公認のコミュニティです。学部生、大学院生、交換留学生、教員、客員研究員、職員などを対象としています。オックスフォード大学の卒業生、現役生、そしてこれから入学される方を繋ぐコミュニティを目指しています。
Christmas Party and Professional Networking
開催場所: 東京都渋谷区東1-3-1 カミニート20 (3F)
Tokyo Family Restaurant