
Japan Office


Oxford-Uehiro Graduate Scholarship Programme

The Oxford-Uehiro Graduate Scholarship Programme is for Japanese students to study at Oxford at graduate level. The programme has been created with generous funding from the Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education.

This scholarship allows a total of five Japanese students at any one time to study on any postgraduate course (except the MBA) in the University. Inspired by the Choshu Five students who went to the UK in 1863, the scholarship is informally known as the Uehiro Five. It is hoped that the students will go on to be leaders in their respective fields.

Those interested in this scholarship should apply to the University of Oxford in the usual way being sure to meet the annual deadline for scholarships which is usually in January. The University will then make a decision and award five outstanding Japanese nationals with the scholarship. There is no separate application process

This scholarship offers an exciting new opportunity for Japanese graduate students to pursue their dreams at Oxford. We are very grateful to the Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education for providing this generous opportunity.